AlgaeAlert (Fung Fellowship Conservation + Technology)

A team of Conservation + Technology Fung Fellows address the following question with the Hoopa Valley Tribe and EFCWest: How might we design and implement a coordinated, region-wide blue-green algae mitigation plan for the Trinity River system, as well as help the Hoopa Valley Tribe educate their community members so that they can avoid and protect themselves from blue-green algae toxins?

About the Fellows
These 50 fellows are completing their third year at UC Berkeley and are part of the inaugural cohort in the Conservation + Tech track. They were selected for the fellowship as part of a competitive, campus-wide application program. They began the fellowship in August 2020, which has included participation in two semester-long courses and 5 design challenges, all in a virtual format

The graduate student instructor (GSI) for this semester is David Kurz, a PhD candidate in Environmental Science. The lead instructor for this cohort is Aakash Desai, a designer and facilitator experienced in the environmental space.
Sustainable Living & Environmental Conservation
engineering, uc berkeley, master of engineering
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