Closing of Small Island Developing States Conference | United Nations | Deputy Secretary-General

Closing remarks by Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, at the Closing Plenary meeting of the fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4).

As the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) wrapped up today (30 May) in Antigua, UN deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohamed said, “The Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS presents a vision for the future SIDS want and need.”

She added, “Where SIDS’ economies are resilient and able to withstand shocks. Where their populations are safe, healthy, productive and prosperous, and access to food, energy and water is secure. Where biodiversity is protected, the ocean and its resources are conserved and action on climate change meets the urgency of the moment.”

The ABAS, a new roadmap towards achieving resilient prosperity for small island States, was officially adopted on Thursday in Antigua and Barbuda.

While expressing hope, Mohammed mentioned that the UN is committed to help implement the agreement.

She said, “On the ground, our Resident Coordinators and the UN Country teams will be working hand in hand with all partners to support SIDS in their transitions to digital green, blue – I hear even turquoise – that deliver resilient prosperity and sustainable development for the populations of the SIDS.”
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