Day of Vesak (23 May)- UN Chief message | United Nations

Video Message by António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General, on the Day of Vesak, the Day of the Full Moon (May 23, 2024).

"Today, Buddhists across the globe celebrate Vesak Day, which marks the birth, enlightenment and passing of the Buddha.

Last October, I had the privilege of travelling to the Buddha’s birthplace of Lumbini, Nepal. This deeply inspiring visit re-affirmed my conviction that the Buddha’s timeless teachings of peace, compassion and service to others are the pathway to a better, more understanding and harmonious world for all.

Today and every day, let us be guided by the spirit of Vesak and by a renewed faith in what we can accomplish as a united human family.

Let’s work as one to build a more peaceful and sustainable future.

Happy Vesak Day".
United Nations
UN, United Nations, UNGA
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