Geothermal Energy: Dominica's Clean Power Journey - Trailer | The Lid Is On | United Nations

There's a growing consensus that the world must transition away from environmentally harmful fossil fuels, like coal, oil, and gas, which contribute to pollution and exacerbate the climate crisis. While these resources have historically fueled economic growth and generated revenue for nations with abundant reserves, the imperative to reduce emissions requires exploring alternative energy sources.

One promising solution emerges from the small island nation of Dominica, where geothermal energy offers a sustainable path forward. Studies indicate that Dominica could meet its entire electricity demand and even export surplus energy by harnessing geothermal power—an abundant, clean, and cost-effective resource lying beneath its surface.

Conor Lennon from UN News interviews Vince Henderson, Dominica’s Minister for Economic Development and Sustainable Energy, and Fred John, CEO of the Dominica Geothermal Development Company, to assess the country's progress toward achieving a renewable energy future.

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United Nations
geothermal energy, united nations, naciones unidas
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