How can we live well within natural limits? Case studies of One Planet Living

2014 SGR Conference "Living within environmental limits: From science to practice"
Halton Mill, Halton, Lancaster, UK; Saturday 4 October

Presenter: Sue Riddlestone OBE, Chief Executive, BioRegional
Camera operator: Alastair Maskell
Editor: Alasdair Beal

Abstract: In order to live within environmental limits, given current global population, we need to reduce our personal consumption-based carbon footprint from a UK average of 12 tonnes per person to around 1.6 tonnes per person. Put another way, ecological footprint analysis tells us that if everyone lived the global middle class lifestyle that we enjoy in the UK, we would need three planets to support us.
Sue will share the experiences of BioRegional in working with partners to enable truly sustainable or ‘One Planet Living’ through new developments in cities and regions, the London 2012 Olympics, a range of eco-products and services, and her own attempts at One Planet Living at BedZED eco-village. Sue will explain the One Planet Living framework, and how you can use this to create an action plan to enable such practices in your life, your community or your work.

More Info:
Sustainable Living & Environmental Conservation
SGR, Sustainability (Media Genre), BioRegional (Organization)
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