This is where the self-help or the personal development world has got it wrong...
They focus on needing to fix ourselves before we can actually have what we truly desire...
But have you realised that the list of what we feel we have to fix is seemingly endless? Once we think we have one thing sorted, another blockage or pain from the past pops up and then we have to fix that...
But what if we chose Creative Development rather than Personal Development? What if we chose to focus on creating something we truly wanted? Rather than focusing within ourselves on what we feel we need to fix or change...
Can you feel the difference?
If not, watch this session, it'll change your life.
#selfhelp #personaldevelopment #consciouscreator #consciousliving
They focus on needing to fix ourselves before we can actually have what we truly desire...
But have you realised that the list of what we feel we have to fix is seemingly endless? Once we think we have one thing sorted, another blockage or pain from the past pops up and then we have to fix that...
But what if we chose Creative Development rather than Personal Development? What if we chose to focus on creating something we truly wanted? Rather than focusing within ourselves on what we feel we need to fix or change...
Can you feel the difference?
If not, watch this session, it'll change your life.
#selfhelp #personaldevelopment #consciouscreator #consciousliving

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