L5, P1: Conservation planning in Anthropocene

The course 'Spatial Land-use Planning' has this far focused on ecological perspective and portrayed conservation planning from a biodiversity perspective. Now it is time to start taking social aspects into account. There are important trade-offs among ecological, social, and economic factors that need to be considered, if successful conservation plans are to be achieved.

This video is the first part of a video lecture titled Planning in Anthropocene, and it discusses how the growing human population and increasing usage of natural resources have changed conservation planning, and the whole discipline of conservation science.

The lectures belong to a course on spatial land-use planning (ECOS1088), taught by Dr. Kaisa J. Raatikainen at the University of Jyväskylä in spring 2021. The course combines the practices of land-use planning with theoretical background from landscape ecology and conservation science, with specific attention on GIS-based conservation prioritization.
Sustainable Living & Environmental Conservation
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