Libya, Youth Forum & other topics - Daily Press Briefing (16 April 2024)

Noon Briefing by Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General.


- Libya
- Youth Forum
- Deputy Secretary-General
- Sudan
- Ethiopia High-Level Pledging Event
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Cameroon
- Haiti
- Ukraine
- Occupied Palestinian Territory
- International Monetary Fund
- Guest Tomorrow


Abdoulaye Bathily, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Libya, briefed the Security Council today on his discussions with Libyan parties. He said that his attempts to address their concerns were met with stubborn resistance, unreasonable expectations, and indifference to the interests of the Libyan people.
He said that since the end of 2022, the United Nations-led efforts to help resolve Libya’s political crisis through elections have faced national as well as regional pushbacks, revealing an intentional defiance to engage in earnest and a tenacity to perpetually delay elections.
Mr. Bathily asserted that the selfish resolve of current leaders to maintain the status quo through delaying tactics and manoeuvres at the expense of the Libyan people must stop. Libyan leaders must reach a political settlement based on negotiations and compromise.
The Special Representative added that he is deeply concerned about the rise in abductions, disappearances, and arbitrary arrests in Libya, perpetrated by security forces with impunity in both eastern, southern and western regions, which undermine fundamental freedoms and instil fear.

This morning, the Secretary-General spoke at the Youth Forum of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). He said that the energy and conviction of young people are infectious, and more vital than ever when our world is bristling with challenges, tragedies and injustices.
He thanked young people at the forum for speaking out and working for real change.
And on the occasion of the ECOSOC Youth Forum, the Department of Global Communications is kicking off a challenge as part of the ActNow campaign - “Act Now: 1 Million Actions for Our Common Future.”
This includes a global call to ‘Speak Up’ to show decision makers that people worldwide are taking a stand for a more sustainable future for all.
ActNow is a campaign that aims at encouraging people to take and record concrete steps toward sustainable living and climate action and it has so far registered more than 20 million individual actions.

United Nations
UN, United Nations, UNGA
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