Some of the People we Met at the IUCN World Conservation Congress (episode 297)

Jay Fidell and Kaui Lucas cover the IUCN’s World Conservation Congress held in Honolulu this year. Kirsten Turner walked the floor and talked to a variety of participants including Chipper Wichmann, of the National Tropical Botanical Garden, Suzanne Case, of DLNR, Hob Osterlund, author, Carl Evenson, of Lyon Arboretum, Wyland, a local artist, Leona Kalmia, an OHA research analyst, Pricelia Tumenta Fobuzie, of the Camaroon Center for Environmental Studies, J. Michael Vakily, of the Indo-German Biodiversity Program, and visitors from Indonesia and Thailand.
Original Air Date November 13, 2016. Episode 297.

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