UN Mine Action (4 April): Voices from Gaza, Ukraine, Afghanistan, & South Sudan | United Nations

Hear stories from deminers working in Gaza, Ukraine, Afghanistan and South Sudan to mitigate the threat posed by mines, explosive remnants of war and improvised explosive devices.

About Mine Action Awareness
Protecting Lives. Building Peace.
Mines, explosive remnants of war, and improvised explosive devices continue to cause death and injury, especially in situations of armed conflict. On average, one person is killed or injured by such explosive device every hour. Many children are among the victims. The use of improvised explosive devices has expanded, terrorizing civilians and threatening humanitarian actors and United Nations missions and personnel.

In 2024 to commemorate the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, UNMAS is advocating for a greater awareness of the needs and rights of all people with disabilities in conflict and peacebuilding settings. Bringing attention to the five-year anniversary of Security Council resolution 2475, which calls upon Member States and Security Council members to protect persons with disabilities, ensure they have access to assistance and are included in conflict prevention and peacebuilding.

In light of the appointment of Mr. Giles Duley as the United Nations Global Advocate for persons with disabilities in conflict and peacebuilding situations, the UN mine action community will seek to strengthen the implementation of resolution 2475 and focus attention on ensuring that no one, included persons with disabilities, is left behind.
United Nations
UN, United Nations, UNGA
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