What Are The Secrets To Sustainable Living? | Nicole Capanna | A Thrivable Future: Episode 17

We all hear about sustainability as a solution to a better future. But what is sustainability really about? How do we live sustainably while still fulfilling our needs?

Today, we meet with Nicole Capanna, a sustainable living advocate and business transformation specialist who seeks to inspire sustainable living practices in our communities. To this end, she has created “Buy Sustainable”, a website that connects environmentally-conscious people across Australia to the often-hidden world of sustainable products and services.

Together, we explore the meaning behind sustainable living, the issues that Australia faces when it comes to sustainability, and how businesses and individuals can become sustainable in their everyday lives. Even a few small changes can move us closer to a thrivable future. (29 mins)


A Thrivable Future is a podcast series talking to sustainability experts on the important issues affecting our world, and how we can help build a ‘thrivable’ future.

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Sustainable Living & Environmental Conservation
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